May 23Liked by Samuel Chapman

Hopefully the conservatives get severely punished and reform get zero seats, opening room for other smaller parties to assert themselves, but that may be too optimistic.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

Zero seats is never going to happen, and they'd be dragged slightly right by a second right wing party rather than big changes. They usually out perform polls as there's still a stigma that they're "nasty" so people don't admit to voting for them. I'm not really in favour of smaller parties because they'll either become left or right aligned instantly and will only be notable if a coalition needs to be formed. I doubt people in Northern Ireland feel that Westminster listens to them very often, and they essentially always send a minor party MP.

Reform getting zero seats seems quite likely. They're pretty much everything a new, genuinely right wing, party shouldn't be.

I've been worried that this election would see a Labour/SNP coalition because the huge wins of Blair's Labour were based on a Scottish core and the electoral maths don't usually favour Labour as much as the voting percentage. With Sunak and the SNP decline the chance of a coalition being needed is much smaller.

The last big Conservative change was from Ted Heath's Euro-loving post war consensus type politics to Thatcherism, and that will never happen again as you can only sell the family silver once.

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I couldn't agree more. I have always voted but didn't do so in the recent local elections and unless something changes radically, can't see the point in voting in the GE either. As you say, they're all the same.

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It's a combination of them all being careerists, the end game of 90s triangulation and the fact that they simply don't care (or like) about the population.

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Agree. It's not only that they don't like us, they are blind to what's happening in the country. And they don't care.

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