Poetry historically was about (among other things) recording epics and tales of heroic lives and acts, it is no secret that modern society is overly democratic and anti-martial in its culture, hence it should be no surprise that without the conditions for an Aeneas or Achilles there cannot be a Virgil or a Homer.

I think we should reclaim the realm of poetry like you say, among other things it would certainly bring some vigor into our decayed modern world, maybe the warrior needs the poet so he can really return to the world.

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You could easily get in a circular argument about poets inspiring heroes, or heroes inspiring poets, but I agree very much with what you're saying.

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I also wrote a poem for the Antelope Hill submission. I wonder when they will announce any winners.

I had great fun writing a poem about Rome - i decided to center it around a man reincarnating into various peoples associated with Rome. It wasn't very long, but it was a fun exercise.

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I basically went through seven different ages of Rome, from founding to failing.

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I only recently found you on Substack, this morning I believe. Poetry always draws me in, especially poetry done by someone who appreciates the past.

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